Thursday 31 July 2008

Breaking Dawn quote of the day

Jacob: "I'll kill you myself! I'll do it now!"



*SCREAMS* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*utterly afraid*

I'm shaking!! can you believe THAT!?! What is the Dog thinking??? I HOPE he' NOT referring to one of the Cullens nor Bella... though is more than possible. Maybe... The Volturi? Or one of his mates in the pack? -0-UUUU


Pd: now FNAC says in one page that the book will arrive to Spain two days after it's released in the USA, and in the next page, says the 6th of August?! could someone explain me why are tghey fucking playin g with us!? DON'T JOKE AROUND WITH ME!! ¬¬ xDDDDDDDDDDD

Wednesday 30 July 2008

Breaking Dawn quote of the day

Carlisle: "I've seen vampire venom work miracles, but there are conditions that even venom cannot overcome."






I knew it, I KNEW IT! it wasn't a rumor!!!! SOMEONE'S GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

rewind (fwfwfwfwffwfwff rewind sound xDDDD)
two days ago: Jasper "I can's understand. I can't bear this

Is Alice....?!??!?!?!?!???


2 DAYS!!! PLEASE! time won't go fast enough!!

Tuesday 29 July 2008

Sita's come back

Thank you Sita ^o^
I love your b-day presents!

I'm also pleased you liked mine ^-^

Your kitten is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! *0*

Tomorrow we'll meet again ^__^


Even if it is one month after our b-days, I'm happy to see you.

Breaking Dawn quote of the day

Seth: "You'll hurt her. Let her go."

Seth in BD = friend of Edward? Thus.... O.O NOOOOOO
I hope he's talking to Jacob (aka DOG ¬¬)

Also, speaking of Webmasters xDD Seth, Stephenie's webmaster, has post a curious enough disease: the "B.D. Countdownitis", which sympthoms consists on staring at the miliseconds of the BD countdownd to see if the time goes quicker the more you wish for the day 2 to come.

FNAC told me yesterday the didn't know anything besides what's been posted on their website. BTW also confirmed me what we all knew: thanx to the INCREDIBLY BIG PHENOMENON BD HAS BECOME, WHEN THE BOOK IS RELEASED THERE WON'T BE A SINGLE WALL WITHOUT A POSTER XDDDDD
G-d I love this.......

Pd: Might be possible that today my sister (aka Lost xDDD pun intended) comes to Vlc. Hopefully. -o-UUUU

Monday 28 July 2008

Breaking Dawn quote of the day + Spoiler

Jasper: "I can't understand. I can't bear this."


and now......
what you've been waiting for......

I warn you: This spoiler has been approved by the own Stephenie Meyer, so it won't be a major spoiler like Edward leaving etc spoilers (we all wanted to kill those people on forums... ¬¬U) But is up to you to keep on reading or not. I cannot hide the text, but I can give you space so you won't see it right after this paragraph. BTW I already knew it. I'm on Team Edward from the beginning. FUCK YOU DOG. That's all ^.^ (mega happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

With the understanding that this spoiler will send the blogosphere into either a tizzy of celebration or outrage, hereby reveals a major plot point from Stephenie Meyer's Breaking Dawn, the fourth and final installment to her Twilight series. And no, the forthcoming information is not from a fever dream or a filched copy of the book found in the dusty stock room of a Barnes & Noble. This exclusive spoiler comes straight from Meyer herself, with her explicit go-ahead to share with her fans.

Team Jacob, you staged a valiant effort, urging Bella to choose her faithful, strangely muscular friend instead of her sexy, hairless vampire. But Meyer, clapping her hands and bobbing on her toes, reveals that she had the great fun of writing Bella and Edward's wedding scene. ''And it's not a dream sequence!'' Meyer promises with a laugh. ''It's the actual wedding between Edward and Bella. The wedding! I'm a girly girl so it's something I've been waiting for too.'' Before anyone throws their computer out their bedroom window, screaming that the surprise of the summer has now been ruined for them, Meyer promises that the wedding takes place early on in Breaking Dawn. Trust that unexpected thrills still await.

While we're on a roll, here's another surprise for you: Meyer says she wrote Bella and Edward's wedding scene years ago, initially planning for the young couple to tie the knot shortly after the end of Twilight. Her editor at the time balked that those crazy kids were too young to walk down the aisle, and Meyer, who herself was married and already raising her first son by the age of 23, shelved their eternal bond for a later date.

Pd:Tras esto sólo puedo añadir una cosa: sexo pre o post nupcial??? nos vamos a poner calentorros! xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Pd2: he recibido recientemente quejas porque mi blog tiene posts en inglés, lo que ha sido usado reiterativamente como excusa para no comentarme. Una cosa: queréis practicar vuestro inglés o no? pues eso. Y para los demás (si, los del "yo no sé que poner") nada, eso no puedo arreglarlo, igual es que mi blog no es interesante ^^U

Sunday 27 July 2008

Breaking Dawn quote of the day

Rosalie: "I'd like to beat you dead."

And I'm pretty sure you could if you wanted to ^^UUUU
...scary xDDDDD

Tomorrow is The Breaking Dawn Spoiler Day!!!!!!! *0*

Pd: Sin noticias del Fnac.
Pd2: ayer justo debió ser el único día que estaba nublado por la noche. Menudo chasco de noche.
Pd2.1: XDDD es que ayer fuimos a Cofrentes a usar el telescopio y ver júpiter así como un montón de nebulosas chulas, pero no, de repente nubes -o-U
Pd3: No te preocupes JAC, es que yo estoy muy irascible también estos días ._.u

Saturday 26 July 2008

Movie Night

Hey hey! here I am.
Yesterday happened 2 things:
- first my best friend beheaved as a #!%*? ; and
- second David and I went to the cinema/movies/theatre (enough for u, cricket?) to see The X-Files. This is one of the films you go to see not only because you know about the series, but also because the dub. If you have ever seen Expediente X in Spanish, you'll always recognize Mulder's dubber. And he has a beautiful voice.

(there are other films you must not see dubbed, as for example, Batman The Dark Knight. How did they dare dubbing Heath Ledger with such an horrible voice, and keep the original jocker's laugh!? O.o)

So the film was right. So much on the lines of the series, except because I didn't see the end of the series, and when I discovered that Mulder and Scully (SPOILER!!) XDDDDDD
Ok, I'm not gonna spoil you the fun. I'll just say it's good. People, please, you'll get lost if you see the film not knowing how the series end. I know it's tiring, but it's better if you do. I totally got lost in the beginning! Like "WTF????!!!" ^^U I warned you.

But is a good option if you want to see a film for entertainment.

'Till here my Movie Review (not as good as Ángel Martín's movies reviews, but I won't dare compairing myself to that genious of humour *.* Only 1 week for the fun XDDD SLQH 4ever!!!!)
Now I leave you with a really nice video: Gali The Alligator ^^ EnJoY!! xDDDDDDDDDDD


Breaking Dawn quote of the day

Sam: "This is not something our treaty anticipated. This is a danger to every human in the area."


Um, ahora resulta que aunque lo ponga en la página de La FNAC, en Valencia no saben nada sobre cuando llega Breaking Dawn ¬¬U por qué lo anunciáis entonces? que tomadura de pelo T^T no quiero quedarme sin libro!!!!!!!!!!

Pd: me estoy pensando SERIAMENTE si ver la peli de Twilight cuando la estrenen. Porque:
1º no me gustan los actores; esto va más allá de su aspecto, es que hasta ahora las tomas que he visto parecen MUY artificiales.
2º han cambiado a saco el comportamiento de los personajes y parte de la historia. Por favor, anillos del clan Cullen? Bella super descarada? ejem,ejem....

A continuación, un post sobre lo que hicimos ayer ^.^U

Friday 25 July 2008

Breaking Dawn quote of the day

Edward: “You look so guilty—like you’ve committed a crime.”

I think I figured out who's he referring to:
Bella 90%
Alice 5% (wedding issues? XD)
Jasper, Emmeth 2%
Rosalie 2%
whoever else 1%


any other guess? c'mon, TRY!! this blog is getting darker and darker, and it is alone, and scary... -o-U

1 week left! *o*
*cofcofcofcofcof* nearly death experience ^^U

Pd: why on earth does Kishimoto play dolls with Sasuke (aka emo brat) and doesn't keep up with the story!?!?!? WHY!?!?!?
Pd2: And WHAT OH WHAT is taking that long for Gosho Aoyama to finish the fucking story!!!!!!!!! we all know it, ok? JUST DRAW IT ¬¬U (fangirl dying to see a RanShinichi kiss +.+)


he des-pre-ordered BD from Amazon, porque puedo comprarlo en La FNAC sólo 2 días después de que salga en EEUU!!!!!!!!!!! OoO cucumbers!!! :3333333

Thursday 24 July 2008

cenita de celebración

Y seguimos con los actos de celebración por el recién terminado y presentado con sobresaliente (expecting matrícula XDDD) proyecto de David (aka Mr. Engineer) .

Ayer fue como unas verdaderas vacaciones. Algo extremadamente raro en los últimos 3 años. Por primera vez una tarde VAGUEANDO absolutamente no se convertía en motivo de escarnio, frustración y remordimientos por no haber aprovechado el tiempo. Porque... no había nada, NADA que hacer! si ya estaba hecho!! LIBREEE (quotation of David XDDDDD)
Así que ganada esta reciente sensación de libertad, decidimos celebrarlo todos juntos y nos fuimos a cenar al Osaka (a Osaka no, millonarios aún no, todo se verá XDDDDDD ).

Un beso para Ana, Jose & Dvd's parents. Aunque no les convencimos mucho (a los papis digo), al menos probaron la comida. Lo que más triunfó: lo que no llevaba pescado crudo XDDDDDDD (did someone not expect this result?) Lo que más: a parte del postre XD la tempura y el pato. Lo cocinado, vamos ajjajajajaja


Y nada.... eso me llevaría a escribir otro post... y ya irían 3 en este día... contando (cuanto me odio gorda asquerosa que no sabes cuando parar de comer y tal, ejem) cosas. Eso, cosas variadas y tal. Ya lo contaré. Supongo. Ahora que nos van a acosar y acusar de ser nocivas para el medio y la inteligencia de sus sanas mentes privadas de la opción configurable de libertad. Quizás no debería poner en letras grandes que soy ESO. Y que también me ESO. Y cada día ESO. Y que lo que digan de nosotras en la tele me lo suda un rato.

Oh... cuanto odio XDDD


Un beso!!!
para terminar bien.... no?? ^^UUUU

Breaking Dawn quote of the day

Rosalie: "Over my pile of ashes."


I expected that much.... bitch xDDDDDDD
(pero con cariño -o-UUU don't kill me!!)

Sólo 8 días!!!!!!!!!!

BTW; (^·^)yep?


Mood: depressed (sunk)

Wednesday 23 July 2008

Breaking Dawn quote of the day

Edward: “Do you want me to sing to you? I’ll sing all night if it will keep the bad dreams away.”


Me: yes please *.*

ejem, *cof-cof* =._.= *blushhhhhhh*

ihihihihihihih I WANT IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pd: fuck u dog =P
blackmail=no girl + no friend.

did I say FUCK U DOG? xDDDD

Engineer XD

Como ya advertí...

hoy tocaba post especial...

porque ayer no tuvimos tiempo pero...

David ya es INGENIERO INFORMÁTICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Al fin!!
Proyectazooo XDDDDDDDDD


Pd:9 días para Breaking Dawn!!!
Pd2: Sita pasa del mundo. Yo tb de ella, ale.
Pd3: recibido el mail de Middlesex University. *^^* hay que comprar los billetes de avión YA!! XDD hohohohoh que nerviosssssssssssssssssss

Tuesday 22 July 2008

Breaking Dawn quote of the day

Renee: "Alice wouldn't let us do anything else. Every time we tried, she all but ripped our throats out."

That's my Alice!! XDDDDD
OMFG! just 1o days!!!!!!!!
feat. the "how much will it take to arrive?!?!?"

Monday 21 July 2008

Breaking Dawn quote of the day

"Edward: “Oops."

menos de dos meses para irme a Londres ^^U
-maleta sansonite GRANDE XD
-lista de lo que tengo que llevarme. GRANDE XDDD
-comprarme billete para el día 18 de septiembre (menos de dos meses!!!!!!!!!!!! -o- )

Y mientras, qué planning se puede hacer con semejante despropósito de tiempo!?
Tengo que coincidir con las vacaciones de David, que mi ***** no coincida XD, luego irme a Huesca, estudiar (esto comprende toooodo el mes de Agosto -.-UUU) volver a Valencia (sobre la 2º quincena de Agosto), prepararme los exámenes (lo he dicho ya? XDD -___-U oh dioxxx)

Y todo ello aderezado con la salida y posterior entrega (espero que no se retrasen en el envío) de BREAKING DAWN!!!!!!! *__*

Y en septiembre....
-matrícula -.-


he dicho ya BUF?


Sunday 20 July 2008

Breaking Dawn quotes of the day

Alice: "No one will dare to call you plain when I'm through with you."
Bella: "Only because they're afraid you'll suck their blood."

Gracias [JAC] por participar en mi chat ^^ hazte una cuenta!! xfaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
XD véis como esto mola? XDDDD

To Do List:
-crearme una lista de música (se me puede hacer eterrrrrrrno con la cantidad de grupos que me gustan -.-U)
-crearme una wish list
-hacerme mi propia countdown de eventos. Estilo:
~ 12 días para Breaking Dawn
~ 2 meses para irme a Londres
y tal XD

Saturday 19 July 2008

Breaking Dawn Quotes of the day

Alice: "I'll play you for it. Rock, paper, scissors."
Edward: "Why you don't you just tell me who wins?"
Alice: "I do. Excellent."

Bella: "Oh, Mike! How will I go on?"

Tanya: "Ah, Edward. I've missed you."

Emmett: "Oooo, scary."

Bella: "Jasper? What do vampires do for bachelor parties? You're not taking him to a strip club, are you?"

Charlie: "Bells, we're up to bat."

Edward: "You're awfully small to be so hugely irritating."

Bella: "Why am I covered in feathers?"


Iré subiéndo más conforme sean posteadas en la web de Stephenie Meyer

Tengo razón y y tu no, este es el post de TENÍA RAZÓN.

Yooo... tenía un flodeo.
Pero me di cuenta de que no podía postear! (side note: Oh desolación!) porque cada vez que tenía algo interesante que poner o simplemente me apetecía poner algo, tenía que subir una maldita foto/imagen!!! sabéis lo jodidamente frustrante que es eso? querer y no poderr???? EH!?!?! malditas fotos estúpidas, malditos los que tenéis una canon reflex de milli megapixeles! malditossssssssssssssssssssss me habéis arruinado la vida -o-UUU
Así que lo dejo. Dejo el flodeo, y me busco una hubicación menos creativa pictóricamente hablando. Más sencilla, más concreta... más como yo XD. Paso de buscar en mi cuasi ilimitada colección de imágenes de emos llorando que he robado del google images XDDDDD y poner una random cada vez que quiera poner una frasecita.


"Mamá! voy a buscarme mi lugar en el mundo!"
"vale cariño, hoy no ceno en casa, no me esperes despierta"
¬¬UUU así es mi madre....


"David!! voy a buscar mi lugar en el mundo!!"
"T0T vuelve de Londres....."
"^^UUUUUUUUUUUU siiiiii"


Y bueno, eso. A ver si puedo subir mis entradas anteriores, o... nosé, poner un link al flodeo para que veáis como es.
Tras la experiencia de un msn spaces (worst ever) y más tarde un flodeo CENSURADOR, espero sentirme más cómoda aquí y fusionar mis dos estilos de blog: el (emo) suicida y el (emo) happy XDDDDD.

Vampire Knight ED "Still Doll" by Wakeshima Kanon

Still Doll Lyrics

Original / Romaji LyricsEnglish Translation
Hi miss Alice
Anata garasu no me de
Donna yume wo
Mirareru no?
Miirareru no?
Hi miss Alice
What kind of dreams
Do you see
With your eyes of glass?
Do they fascinate you?
Mata atashi
Kokoro ga sakete
Nagare deru
Sukima ni sasaru
Kioku tachi
My heart is torn
And bleeding
I mend it but
My memories
Pierce the openings
Hi miss Alice
Anata kajitsu no kuchi de
Dare ni ai wo
Nageteru no?
Nageiteru no?
Hi miss Alice
To whom
Are you throwing love to
With your fruit-like lips?
Does it make you sad?
Mou atashi
Kotoba wo tsumugu
Shita no netsu
Mederu outa mo
The heat of my tongue
That let me speak
Has already cooled
And I can't sing
Songs of love
Still you do not answer 
Still you do not answer