Today is 23F, and I felt like writing a little, just a small update so you can stop bugging me about the death of this unread blog ¬¬ for the ones that don't know what hapenend on 23F, a lil' moustached son of a bitch tried to fuck us again. Links JFYI: English Wiki, Spanish Wiki, Japanese Wiki? xDDD
On other order of things I've checked I cannot be in between a massive amount of people or next time I will surely die.
Yesterday Hastur and I had an amusing afternoon/evening... in an ambulance (shoot! xD) Yep, lemme explain briefly: we went to an act called La Cridá tipycal of Valencia in Fallas, the meaning of this act is to call everybody to let'em know Fallas are about to begin. OK, people goes massively. You'll never see as much people together as in Valencia in fallas, I promise; there are too much you can barely breath. That's about 10 points less of life. Plus you cannot move, 5 points less of life (XDDD) also, if you suffer from clautrophobia... and a very low blood preassure... well, imagine like, zero points of life xDDDD and that's when I collapsed. The thing was that I was trying first not to think of the situation, then, to reject the feeling of dumbness that produces a lipothimia, and later (and last thing I could manage to do before falling XD) to warn Hastur. Late, unfortunately ^^U so I fell uncoscious, people started to move to let me breath and some son of a b*tch stepped on my heart finger. Great, that woke me. Though I fell again in a very short lapse of time. And afterwards (I dunno how I manage to get out of there with my bag) I woke again in the street, out of the crowd, and with Hastur (luckily) next to an ambulance. They got me to the hospital and I recovered well. Now I'm fully energised XDDD
...for all of you (cri-cri) that may think it was because I didn't eat, you're wrong. I ate: I had breakfast, lunch and even a donnut before going there. So stop it already ¬¬U thanx.
I'm done with the chronicle of late Sunday. Now, on Friday Naru, Nat, Raxel, Mari-chan, Cris, David, Krik and Fer went to a Chinese restaurant to have a dinner together for Krik's Bday. Hastur had dinner with his ex working mates, and afterwards he came partying with us. Good night, we did have fun ^__^ and the presents we bought were really successful XDDDDD
Then, I can end this review chronicle saying I'm a lazybone xD I h8 when, by obligation, I have to do a thing that is by definition, an amusement choice: create a BLOG ¬¬ for the history of the English lang. teather and his stupid class XD So, I'll tell you any other day about that fucking activity >___<
Ps: dedicated to my best friend JAC, and his bizarre interest for the Saw saga ^^U
Ps2: for G-d's sake, SAVE THE KITTEN!!!! x333333333333 sooooo cute!!!
On other order of things I've checked I cannot be in between a massive amount of people or next time I will surely die.
Yesterday Hastur and I had an amusing afternoon/evening... in an ambulance (shoot! xD) Yep, lemme explain briefly: we went to an act called La Cridá tipycal of Valencia in Fallas, the meaning of this act is to call everybody to let'em know Fallas are about to begin. OK, people goes massively. You'll never see as much people together as in Valencia in fallas, I promise; there are too much you can barely breath. That's about 10 points less of life. Plus you cannot move, 5 points less of life (XDDD) also, if you suffer from clautrophobia... and a very low blood preassure... well, imagine like, zero points of life xDDDD and that's when I collapsed. The thing was that I was trying first not to think of the situation, then, to reject the feeling of dumbness that produces a lipothimia, and later (and last thing I could manage to do before falling XD) to warn Hastur. Late, unfortunately ^^U so I fell uncoscious, people started to move to let me breath and some son of a b*tch stepped on my heart finger. Great, that woke me. Though I fell again in a very short lapse of time. And afterwards (I dunno how I manage to get out of there with my bag) I woke again in the street, out of the crowd, and with Hastur (luckily) next to an ambulance. They got me to the hospital and I recovered well. Now I'm fully energised XDDD
...for all of you (cri-cri) that may think it was because I didn't eat, you're wrong. I ate: I had breakfast, lunch and even a donnut before going there. So stop it already ¬¬U thanx.
I'm done with the chronicle of late Sunday. Now, on Friday Naru, Nat, Raxel, Mari-chan, Cris, David, Krik and Fer went to a Chinese restaurant to have a dinner together for Krik's Bday. Hastur had dinner with his ex working mates, and afterwards he came partying with us. Good night, we did have fun ^__^ and the presents we bought were really successful XDDDDD
Then, I can end this review chronicle saying I'm a lazybone xD I h8 when, by obligation, I have to do a thing that is by definition, an amusement choice: create a BLOG ¬¬ for the history of the English lang. teather and his stupid class XD So, I'll tell you any other day about that fucking activity >___<
Ps: dedicated to my best friend JAC, and his bizarre interest for the Saw saga ^^U
Ps2: for G-d's sake, SAVE THE KITTEN!!!! x333333333333 sooooo cute!!!
Ohhh fallas...jooo, este año me las pierdo =(
No mascletàs, no fuegos artificiales, no churros...I wanna die hahaha (nah, I don't...but still, I'll miss fallas)
hey JAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *__*
...what a shitty comment, anyway xDDDD did you read the webcomic I linked at the end of the post? it would be nice of you, I remembered! >__<
Jajjaja no lo habia visto, pero es buenisimoooo =D
and yes, i still think Saw is wonderful and has a good moral behind =P
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