Thanks for being here when I'm not, for standing me when I can't stand myself. For listening, sharing, for your capacity to love.
I could say this is our first anniversary because it's been a month since you returned me the will to love.
I'm sorry for what I did and say. You taught me that I can be a world for someone, that someone being you. And that made me feel alive again.
I don't know how to explain all you've been able to make me feel again.
For all this THANK YOU.

6 years & 7 months
Te quiero muchisimo amor, no solo quiero que te sientas como antes, sino mucho mejor.
Haré todo lo que esté en mi mano para que seas feliz, y en los momentos malos estaré a tu lado apoyandote. Puedes contar conmigo para cualquier cosa (L)
PD: Siento haber tardado un pquito en comentar, por aquí ando algo liadillo ^^U
PS2: Estas preciosa en esa foto! ^_^(K)
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