Wednesday, 25 February 2009

So I'm ill....

Looks like having new freaking cool friends plus a tuenti account doesn't guarantee comments on my blog... even if I say out loud "Hay, y'know what? I HAVE A BLOG!" ¬¬U it's so unfair....

Also, talking about unfair things, I cannot post videos from Fioryparty uploaded in youtube because some shitty organization, call it mafia, call it bunch of bastards, SGAE and relatives (now dare to come and try to fuck my freedom of expression) freaked out with people that used songs in their home made videos (remember that Telefonica aka Timofonica is stealing ideas from videos uploaded from particulars in youtube and then making adds without paying author copyright... yeah, legality, that fucking irony) and forbid them to use that songs: either they muted it or changed the song paying or with another that had no copyright.
That's why I cannot upload videos from youtube; because without the chosen songs, they lose the fun. But I can copy-paste the link to Newgrounds where you can find them ^__^ Naruto Randomness 5

Well, the real (?) xD reason to post today is because I'm ill. My head hurts, my body hurts, everything spins and I don't feel like going to my fake reading week xDD fuck them. When they said we'll have a week at month to study/read/upload papers and without classes... which part of WITHOUT CLASSES didn't they understand? ¬¬U tired of stupidity.
And I'm ill since Sunday... well, since Monday. And I forgot to watch House because Hastur and I went to dinner out with a friend of him, and I definitely lost my health that night. I have no voice! I cannot sing! T^T (I cannot speak, but not being able to sing THIS song makes me really sad T___T)
So, I'd appreciate if people would comment sth, whatever here... because, yeah I have tuenti, but I'd feel relieved if this blog turned to life
(........ was it ever alive from the beginning?
shut up, you bitch!
oh, multiple personality, what would I do without you?
get bored... obviously xD)

Ps: I forgot yesterday was the MTV Winter! T^T because:
a)I'm stupid
b)I was ill
c)I went out
c.1)and should have been watching HOUSE -___- lame...
d)all the answers posted before.

You told me but I forgot! SORRY!! ごめんあさい!!!

Monday, 23 February 2009

Yet another review

Today is 23F, and I felt like writing a little, just a small update so you can stop bugging me about the death of this unread blog ¬¬ for the ones that don't know what hapenend on 23F, a lil' moustached son of a bitch tried to fuck us again. Links JFYI: English Wiki, Spanish Wiki, Japanese Wiki? xDDD

On other order of things I've checked I cannot be in between a massive amount of people or next time I will surely die.
Yesterday Hastur and I had an amusing afternoon/evening... in an ambulance (shoot! xD) Yep, lemme explain briefly: we went to an act called La Cridá tipycal of Valencia in Fallas, the meaning of this act is to call everybody to let'em know Fallas are about to begin. OK, people goes massively. You'll never see as much people together as in Valencia in fallas, I promise; there are too much you can barely breath. That's about 10 points less of life. Plus you cannot move, 5 points less of life (XDDD) also, if you suffer from clautrophobia... and a very low blood preassure... well, imagine like, zero points of life xDDDD and that's when I collapsed. The thing was that I was trying first not to think of the situation, then, to reject the feeling of dumbness that produces a lipothimia, and later (and last thing I could manage to do before falling XD) to warn Hastur. Late, unfortunately ^^U so I fell uncoscious, people started to move to let me breath and some son of a b*tch stepped on my heart finger. Great, that woke me. Though I fell again in a very short lapse of time. And afterwards (I dunno how I manage to get out of there with my bag) I woke again in the street, out of the crowd, and with Hastur (luckily) next to an ambulance. They got me to the hospital and I recovered well. Now I'm fully energised XDDD

...for all of you (cri-cri) that may think it was because I didn't eat, you're wrong. I ate: I had breakfast, lunch and even a donnut before going there. So stop it already ¬¬U thanx.

I'm done with the chronicle of late Sunday. Now, on Friday Naru, Nat, Raxel, Mari-chan, Cris, David, Krik and Fer went to a Chinese restaurant to have a dinner together for Krik's Bday. Hastur had dinner with his ex working mates, and afterwards he came partying with us. Good night, we did have fun ^__^ and the presents we bought were really successful XDDDDD

Then, I can end this review chronicle saying I'm a lazybone xD I h8 when, by obligation, I have to do a thing that is by definition, an amusement choice: create a BLOG ¬¬ for the history of the English lang. teather and his stupid class XD So, I'll tell you any other day about that fucking activity >___<


Ps: dedicated to my best friend JAC, and his bizarre interest for the Saw saga ^^U

Ps2: for G-d's sake, SAVE THE KITTEN!!!! x333333333333 sooooo cute!!!

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Gomen gomen!!


I know, I've been like missing ^^U I didn't feel like updating ¬¬ who was gonna read me anyway?

... self h8.


Now, seriously. If you read this blog and I don't keep it updated most probably you'll stop reading me --like I want someone as you, lazy bone _O_ and I need some motivation to keep this, my friends already know what happens in my life because I chat almost everyday with them at university or by msn, so this is mainly to keep me entertained.
OK I'm pathetic -__-U I have a nonsense blog. Useless. What a pity.

But: If for whatever reason you end up reading me and, who knows, even after liking what I post, didn't know what to comment, please, think twice, I even have a chat! you can post ideas, suggestions, I dunno, but even if you're an stranger, out of my circle of well-known friends, you're allowed, free expression, to comment in my blog (always taking into account I'm the webmaster and I don't allow lack of respect to anybody).

The thing is that in my last post I greeted briefly my bfriend Hastursan for his (censored) years xDDD And now, for you gossip people, a summary of the weekend!
It was February, the 13th, Friday. *hears a scream: JASON!!* LOL xDD And unfortunately, Has had to work. Yeah, f*ck the capitalism xD so when he finally came home it was already too late to do anything but rest. After that, we went to his home and had dinner with his family. Then we slept ;) *winks* muahahah XD
Next Day: the V day of VENDETTA! chocolate vs roses, the final vengeance XD it was St. Valentine! f*ck capitalism x2. That was our (just the 2 of us) day ^__^

The End.
Not a Happily Ever, I don't believe in such stupidities, but quite happy nevertheless XD

And for this week, insubstantial as any other week, h8 to wake up early and such. No homework, but he has to work. F*ck capitalism x3 ¬¬

Ps: I got a new haircut! well not THAT new, but definitely necessary xD now, I have to choose between shiny black and blueish black... which one could suit me best, and why? c'mon, participate!!


Friday, 13 February 2009

Happy Bday my luv

Happy B-day David!!!!!

and a glorious, XxX Valentine day :333

Monday, 9 February 2009

university is a bitch

Thanx to Fioryparty for giving me the idea for this title.

OK, I SHOULD be working on my tomorrow-to-handle history porfolio. Yeah, I SHOULD. But I can't!!! I'm too exited and TOO tired I dunno where to start XDDDD

So, today it's been my first second semester classes. I h8 them. Zero motivation. Puri is a bitch, and I don't care what you think ¬¬U she'll be the death of us, I foresee it.
So English Theatre until the 19th century sucks, we all know since you have to read all such of things you wouldn't because the best way IMHO to study a play is watching a representation better than reading a script. Honestly, am I SO strange? Furthermore, she's giving us the classes (because she's also lecturing us in poetry & prose... great) in Spanish. OK, 5th year. AM I SO STRANGE??? DO I WANT AN IMPOSSIBLE??? kill me >___<

Other than that, today's been a re encounter day; during exams we had the feeling of meeting just for the sake of studying. Now we can also meet not to study. Life is comforting XD So the rest of the classes have gone well... boring but well. Tomorrow will be worse xDDD 9 a.m. here I go!

What made my weekend worthy was that, to start with, David won the lottery!! XD One of the VPO (official protected houses) we were aiming to get, is finally ours! except we don't want it XDDDD I'll tell you later about that, it's... complicated (issues related to my emotional stability and personal relationship avoided, thank you).

And this Saturday we went out with my friends Nerea, Natalia, Raquel, Sara, Mary, David, Krit..., like I can remember ALL names ^^UUUU guess I spent my memory with the pokerap XDDD but we had such a wonderfully funny time!!! PLEASE I wanna go out with you next time!! David says you're GREAT ^____^ Love you Neruto XD thanx for inviting us to the outing for your bday (it was officially last week but, well, the present wasn't prepared XDDD we're such a filthy naughty girls muahahahah)

And with that I shall say goodbye to you, I have TONS of things to do for tomorrow, and very little time to do them (because I have very important plans for this evening :3333333333333)

Kisessssssssss be naughty!

Ps: An Cafe are coming to Barcelona!!!!!!!! すごいいですよ!! :33333

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

(1st) Anniversary

Thanks for all you're giving me, for all you do for us, for giving me hope when I had none, love when I thought it was long ago lost.

Thanks for being here when I'm not, for standing me when I can't stand myself. For listening, sharing, for your capacity to love.

I could say this is our first anniversary because it's been a month since you returned me the will to love.

I'm sorry for what I did and say. You taught me that I can be a world for someone, that someone being you. And that made me feel alive again.
I don't know how to explain all you've been able to make me feel again.

For all this THANK YOU.


6 years & 7 months

Vampire Knight ED "Still Doll" by Wakeshima Kanon

Still Doll Lyrics

Original / Romaji LyricsEnglish Translation
Hi miss Alice
Anata garasu no me de
Donna yume wo
Mirareru no?
Miirareru no?
Hi miss Alice
What kind of dreams
Do you see
With your eyes of glass?
Do they fascinate you?
Mata atashi
Kokoro ga sakete
Nagare deru
Sukima ni sasaru
Kioku tachi
My heart is torn
And bleeding
I mend it but
My memories
Pierce the openings
Hi miss Alice
Anata kajitsu no kuchi de
Dare ni ai wo
Nageteru no?
Nageiteru no?
Hi miss Alice
To whom
Are you throwing love to
With your fruit-like lips?
Does it make you sad?
Mou atashi
Kotoba wo tsumugu
Shita no netsu
Mederu outa mo
The heat of my tongue
That let me speak
Has already cooled
And I can't sing
Songs of love
Still you do not answer 
Still you do not answer