A little resume of my New Year's day:
After coming back from Huesca and get together with David on the 30th of December and confirm we had absolutely NO PLAN whatsoever for the 31st, we decided to take things with philosophy and wait for a miracle. The 31st a miracle in form of one-hour-car-trip to a disco jumped in front of us. Weighting the alternatives, dinner arrived: we had dinner with his family, and after this ate the 12 deadly grapes (nobody choked this year, luckily xDDD).
It would have been nice to go with Ana and Jose to Apache, but the car trip and police making alcohol tests just got us backwards.
How was our New Year's Night then, may you ask?
:33333~~ David and I alone at home XDDDDDD a private party ;) and hope for a weekend plan XDDDDDDDD we're still looking for it.
So, everything when mostly fine, I cannot regret of anything ^_^
Ps: I want a NDS!!!!!! *___*
Ps2: Sales, sales, SALES!!!! (needed)
Ps3: ZOMG, loads of things top do! T^T
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