stupid post, I'm studying English Grammar, don't ask me for coherence, I lost it about an hour ago _O_
Ps: I don't believe in horoscopes but this one I found use to tell me the freakiest things ever, so I hope is not just me, please check it XD related to love it amazes me sometimes, but related to health most of the times scares me to death!!! issues like weight and eating habits are surprisingly accurate ¬¬ Are we cancer SO predictable??
Ps2: yesterday's movie was............. ok, McDonald's was......... OK, night was cold and Sandra was as charming as always :3333 love you pretty!! see you tomorrow in Grammar test T^T why, oh why!????
...........♥? xDDD
Ps3: That's a warning! XD if you don't post a comment in the next week I swear for my future dollfie I'll close this!!!!!! indefinitely!!!!
OMG...you tb soy cáncer =S
thanx, thanx JAC!! I knew I'll always be able to rely on you to save this blog XDDDDDD
I miss you, sorry for not being able to post sth worthy in your last blog's entry yet... I feel really bad for being so unspired -__-U btw, I'll always be there to talk if that's what you need me for, so never doubt of that ^__^
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