Hey hey! here I am.
Yesterday happened 2 things:
- first my best friend beheaved as a #!%*? ; and
- second David and I went to the cinema/movies/theatre (enough for u, cricket?) to see The X-Files. This is one of the films you go to see not only because you know about the series, but also because the dub. If you have ever seen Expediente X in Spanish, you'll always recognize Mulder's dubber. And he has a beautiful voice.
(there are other films you must not see dubbed, as for example, Batman The Dark Knight. How did they dare dubbing Heath Ledger with such an horrible voice, and keep the original jocker's laugh!? O.o)
So the film was right. So much on the lines of the series, except because I didn't see the end of the series, and when I discovered that Mulder and Scully (SPOILER!!) XDDDDDD
Ok, I'm not gonna spoil you the fun. I'll just say it's good. People, please, you'll get lost if you see the film not knowing how the series end. I know it's tiring, but it's better if you do. I totally got lost in the beginning! Like "WTF????!!!" ^^U I warned you.
But is a good option if you want to see a film for entertainment.
'Till here my Movie Review (not as good as Ángel Martín's movies reviews, but I won't dare compairing myself to that genious of humour *.* Only 1 week for the fun XDDD SLQH 4ever!!!!)
Now I leave you with a really nice video: Gali The Alligator ^^ EnJoY!! xDDDDDDDDDDD
Te quiero un montón!!!
16 years ago
¿Tengo q fustigarme para redimirme? ¿O basta con un simple "I'm sorry"?
Ya te advertí que últimamente hago muchas cosas de las que luego me tengo q arrepentir =S
Tranquilo JAC... es que enseguida me siento atacada. No es que lo que hayas dicho sea como para ponerme así, es que me siento "humillada" cuando me reclaman fallos, me siento juzgada... buf, que bajísima autoestima -_-U
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