Sunday, 31 August 2008

The IT Crowd - scenes seasson 1

ROTFLOL!! If you can watch this series, please, do it, because it's HILLARIOUS!!

The IT Crowd.
Moss fan! XDDD
Look it up on the wikipedia, or google it.

On the other hand, I support Stephenie Meyer against Midnight Sun Leak. FUCK OFF, YOU SPOILER RATS! How could you?! Stealing a manuscript, she's so dissapointed, we all are!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Yep, I should be studying... -o- but I'm trying! HARD! XDDD
See you!

Stupid post consecuence f stress....

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

... I felt whole

"Sorrow" - Flyleaf

Sometimes life seems too quiet
Into paralyzing silence
Like the moonless dark
Meant to make me strong

Familiar breath of my old lies
Changed the color in my eyes
Soon he will perforate the fabric of the peaceful by and by

Sorrow lasts through this night
I'll take this piece of you
And hope for all eternity
For just one second I felt whole
As you flew right through me

Left alone with only reflections of the memory
To face the ugly girl that's smothering me
Sitting closer than my pain
He knew each tear before it came
Soon He will perforate the fabric of the peaceful by and by

Sorrow last through this night
I'll take this piece of You
And hope for all eternity
For just one second I felt whole
As You flew right through me

And we kiss each other one more time
And sing this lie that's halfway mine
The sword is slicing through the question
So I won't be fooled by his angel light

Sorrow lasts through this night
I'll take this piece of you
And hope for all eternity
For just one second I felt whole
As you flew right through me
And up into the stars

Joy will come

NOTA: yo soy ATEA. Pero me gusta el grupo. Me gustan las letras. Y las interpreto a MI manera. Ale, ya está. XD

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Dress Try feat the exams thing (fear...)

Uff sashibure da nee! It's been a long time since I wrote something worth it in the blog XD I mean, yeah, the song was good but I'm definitely not gonna make this into a musical blog XDD The truth is that I've been so worried with all it's coming I didn't think of the blog. Sorry, you unattended, ungrateful readers ¬¬U
So, what have I been up to this days:
Studying XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD no, I meant it! really..... oh, well, not so.... -o-UUU *realization hits her like concrete rock* OMFG JUST A WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies*
Also... I've read, a lot XD (now you know why I don't study....) -o-UUUU
And mostly I've been going thorough all the papers and things I'll need to have when I go to London. It's stressful, and also scary. The accident of the Spanair flight didn't scare me more of planes than I already was, but remind me of what I was gonna do. And then chills started and tears, and loss for all I leave here for 6 months... you know, it could sound pathetic, but I don't wanna lose him. Not for a moment. We've been living together for 2 years and a half and I cannot think of such a long period of time without him. I'm already missing him when I think about it.

The weather this days make me feel melancholic. Even if you hadn't looked at the calendar, you'd be able to tell by the weather that summer is ending. And it reminds me of my childhood days, when I knew the dream was ending... I don't know why I still feel the same, maybe now the feeling is stronger because I have a major change before me, but the thing is that I can't help but feel sad. I'm gonna leave behind the known, and it never mattered to me because I always thought I was going for something better. Now I feel so complete, I fear leaving this behind. Happiness is a curious thing, sometimes makes you clip your own wings... because you don't want to fly anywhere else.
(it would pass, for sure XDDDDD just wait for the erasmus parties! oh... did I tell you my university is in the ass of the world??)

Today is the "prueba del vestido" (JAC, how would you have translated it?!); that is, checking my suitcase is able to storage everything it's coming with me to London. Not an easy task, I may say. If my suitcase was a little bigger, I could hide David inside and bring him to London XDDDD So wish me luck, because later on I'll have to weight it to know if it's too heavy ^^UUUU

And I think I have nothing else to tell... my Emule is working very hard this days XD a TScreener of Batman The Dark Knight VO because I want to see it again and I have no money nor time to go to theatre; also David has been hocked up by Death Note (anime of course; he, reading? XDDD) and is extremely depressed after chapter 26 (none of us want the spoiler XD I was also depressed first time I saw it); and my mobile phone is now prepaid. Just in case.

So I'm looking for a partner to study with this last week and make slightly bearable this exams thing. Wish me luck, now I'm giving my best!!
See you!

Pd: I went to see the F1, but for the sake of my sanity I won't say anything else XDDDDD

Pd: at least! After a month or so, Detective Conan new manga!! (I was starting to suspect Gosho has died... or the subbers ¬¬U)

Thursday, 21 August 2008

Never Enough

Life's been sucked out of me, and this routine's killing me
I did it to myself, again I said this would not be
Somebody put me out of my misery ...
Expression, stimulation, hollow sense of myself
I did it to myself again
Somebody put me in my place ...

Never enough, never enough
Do I deserve what I got?

Now everything's okay, there's nothing wrong with me
This seems unnatural to me I'd say in every way
Somebody kick me in the face ...
Now something's wrong with me, I'm bleeding profusely
And this seems natural to me I f*ck up everyday
Somebody put me in my place ...

Never enough, never enough
Do I deserve what I got?

Never enough, never enough
Do I deserve what I got?
What I got (x4)

I feel as if I'm running back to where I started
You ask what's wrong with me, and I say nothing
Is everything okay? Is something wrong with me?
Pushing and pulling feelings, eternal, my heart is yours
I feel as if I'm running, I feel as if I'm running, I feel as if I'm running

Life ... will ... knock ... me ... down!!!!!

Never enough, never enough
Do I deserve what I got? Never enough, never enough
Life ... will ... knock ... me ... down!!!!!


Because we all break down sometimes...

Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Kindred Spirits

I still remember the first time I heard this expression, 'kindred spirits', referred to the special relationship a girl B kept with her best friend J. I immediately thought of you, as when sth touches my heart, cannot control feelings of gratitude and respect for what you do and who you are. You may think we don't know you, and might be true. BTW the few things I know of you keep me on your side whatever happens. Because I wasn't bluffing when I told you you were like the sun for me. We are so seem-like sometimes I cannot but think we were fated to meet. You don't know how important your friendship is for me, but you've been my only real friend in years. That's why I want to tell you this: please, don't give up on people. I know how it feels to be hurt, to feel betrayed, to think there's no hope, no one to trust. But there are. Though may not be the ones you want... life is a big maze.
Well, this video is for you. The comment on your blog will be posted soon, as soon as I find a good way to smash you verbally XDDDD

Pd: as you said avoid commenting on this, I've commented outside your blog :P hecha la ley, hecha la trampa XDDDD
Pd2: Yep.... I know about blood and all this bullshit you're gonna attack me with... don't really care XDDDD

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Why So Serious?

Yesterday I saw one of the COOLEST films, really, in my life. Eager as I was to see it, it was better than I anticipated. And in VO! I was delighted *o* Darkest film EVER.

So, I went to see Batman The Dark Knight, with my friend Josué (aka JAC, not behaving as mr. J.Cricket for a day, wow! XDDDD punch in the guts? I don't think so) and I own him a favour, because if he hadn't invited me to join him, I'd have never gone to a VO. And I loved it! I mostly understood everything --except for Gordon... seriously, he spoke FAST X_x.

I have to say a few things (good and bad) about the film, though:
First, what was with the voice of Christian Bale when he dresses up as Batman? I mean... if he's not voiceless by now, wow, give a round of applause to his vocal cords. The most hoarse voice ever listened.

Second, Heath Ledger's deserves an Oscar. His voice fits amazingly the definition of Joker's; It's a craziness! I'm relieved I didn't get to see the dubbed one ¬¬U Also, I liked him most than Nicholson's performance. Maybe was the director, maybe Ledgers' own talent, maybe both together, that gave the film this feeling of darkness, despair, madness, that gave life to a Joker less clownish and most serious, tormented, sick. It gave you chills just to think of his motivations. Genius. You weren't exaggerating when you told me the director was GREAT, but also have to admit the Joker's character seemed to have been made for Heath Ledger. RIP.

Third, mmmm how can I put this... lemme think. Ok, I gott'it: I didn't like Maggie Gyllenhaal's performance as Rachel. To put it bluntly. XD

I'm not really on the review thing, but I can say it's worth it to get to see it. Even for those of you who think that Jack Nicholson's Joker performance was impossible to surpass. Seriously guys, trailer is NOTHING compared to the film. But, please, be aware of dubbers, it may disappoint you. It's a shame i you dunno enough English to watch the film without having to read every subtitle, but were that the case, at least see the trailer and fill yourselves with the amazing voice of the Joker (and allucinate little cucumbers with Batman's... O.o)

Now, for tonight's entertainment (oh, I loved this XD) I'm posting several videos. One of them is a spoof of the original trailer, which in case you haven't seen it YET XD I'll post afterwards. And a video so you could compare Jack Nicholson's Joker Vs. Heath Ledger's. ENJOY, ladies and gentlemen.

The Dark Knight Trailer Spoof

The Dark Knight Original Trailer

Joker vs Joker (Jack Nicholson vs Heath Ledger)

Oh! and as a personal pun XD here I leave my fav

The Dark Knight- Joker Interrogation Scene Spoof!!! XDDDDDD

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

The Spoiler Post

Go ahead under your own responsibility.

So, I finished the book today. This morning. I read the last 7 chapters I had left in about 3 hours. Delighted. Amused. Confused. Eager. And loving each of them. I LOVED THE BOOK. And I'm willing to read it again (though I dunno if I’ll skip the Jacob's part XD seriously, I don't like him...)

Because I love this book ENTIRELY and adore its happy ending, I have to say I DESPISE the MORONIC critics it's receiving.

First, this is a book. About characters who are not real even if the setting do exists in the world.

Second, when you read a book NOT WRITTEN BY YOURSELF, you have to be open to whatever it happens. Not your story, remember?

Third, whatever the ideology of the author, this is a fictional novel. That means, what you read can have a message if you tend to find conspiracies. But here what we have is nothing else but a story out of standards.

So. If you think the WHOLE message under the book was "girls are submitted to men, love is about commitment, and abortion is not an option" YOU'RE FREAKING WRONG!!!!!!!!!


Whether Stephenie is or not a religious person, her point of view about this issues has been the most open I've ever seen. I never saw someone write giving such life and free will to the characters as she's done. And if you can't understand this you haven't understood a single thing in the books.
The fact Bella was enchanted with Edward was due to he being sth impossible. All things count. A vampire. But before anything, love.
That's all, love, is it that strange? To think "I can live through this but I WON'T" You make your choices, you love to an extent it changes you. And every person loves different. Just bear it. Bella's not down because she's weak, but because she's in love in a powerful way. And you cannot try to put this into real world because there's no way to recreate it. It's impossible, it's a fictional story, it means NOTHING. It's NOT REAL, for G-d's sake.

Second, if you cannot put yourself into the characters' mind, let go of the book NOW. And center on whatever else. Because the whole story involves different characters, different minds and ideas, that's what makes it so rich. They're not all copies of the author. They have individual beliefs, and, as described and explained through the book, have lived all enough to make their own assumptions and deal with them. Right or wrong, their choices. Not yours, remember?

And third. WTF is all the CRAP about the book being an anti abortion pamphlet?! Are you ALL CRAZY!!?? Hell if I'm not the first one to jump and shout out loud I'm PRO abortion. So what? So what if Bella was not? So what if she was, but what she carried was her only opportunity to give her and Edward a child? So what if she never thought sth like this could happen that she never thought about it? AND SO WHAT IF THEY CAN HEAR THE CHILD? IT-IS-A-FICTIONAL-BOOK. Just repeat with me, slowly, for your slow brain cells. There's nothing applicable from our world to this book, except the locations to be real. THAT'S ALL. DEAL WITH IT.

You don't like the happy ending? Would you have preferred a bloody massacre? Maybe see everyone fucked up whit a loss? You're twisted, it scares the hell out of me, this people.

But I loved the book. I really love it. And there has been nothing in it that disappointed me. Because I wasn't expecting anything; I read books as what they are, and knowing they are not about what a like, rather what the story drives them. So I'm sorry for those who didn't like the book, I don't believe they'll refund you your money just because you're intransigent and close minded, so that's all. Again, deal with it. Stop reading fanfics, or not, write your own end for the book, or better, write your own copy-of-the-book-that-disappointed-you-at-the-end and be happy with your own lie.

For the rest of the people, the ones MATURE ENOUGH to understand the book, cheers mates, we've survived one of the most sweet,amazing,startling love stories ever written.

Kisses for Stephenie. She deserves the Pulitzer XDDDDDDDDD

Pd: I leave you here some of the articles where the anti-breaking dawn is commented, for you to judge.

Oh, and about the sex scenes. I-FREAKING-TOTALLY-LOVED-THEM. I was sooooooooo eager :D What a shame you couldn't see more, muahahahaha XDDD

The Canadian Press


The Windsor Star

The Canadian Press

As Stephenie's said "If they really love the characters, then I would hope that this would make sense to them, because these are the true characters," she explained. "This is the story the way it was always meant to be."

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Vacaciones III

Luggage ···> DONE
Plane Ticket ···> DONE
Breaking Dawn ···> *o* reading (I'm sad to finish it!!!! I'm lovin' it)

So mostly everything is prepared; I sent the last signed documents last week, and today after buying my plane ticket, I'll sent the application for the welcome at the Heathrow Airport.

My week is being strange. I'm so totally absorbed reading that hours doesn't count the same. I can keep reading for mostly a day without interruption! I fear I'll finish the book by tomorrow. And all thanks to the fact now I'm alone and I have the mornings free. Because when the book arrived last week at Huesca people glared at me like saying "you won't start reading right now, will you?! we're on holidays for G-d sake, just go out and enjoy!!" But I'm enjoying! XDDD I'm a bookworm (or sth) and I LOVE TO READ!!!!! But I read very quickly, so I have to pause myself so I can keep the book a little longer XDDDD I'm SOOOOO excited!

Well, I must beg my friends to
pardon me XDDDDDD Because last week craziness is the main reason I've not talked to them, nor tried to meet after coming back from Huesca. I'm reading the book and it's extremely hard to go away from it T^T
JAC I'm sorry for being disappeared from the MSN ^^UUU but I still want to meet you this week! we have lots of things to talk about (have we? XDDDD non-sense-chatter activated)
Sandra (but she don't even read me?!?!)B-E-A-C-H that's all XDDD
Sita, sorry for leaving before the established date, I saw my schedule and I'm a little overwhelmed by all it's left for me to do before sept.
And David...
Ok, David have most of my time XDDDD it's a tie; he won't let me read too much.

And not much else to comment, I got my skin burned but now I'm ok, so I can at least use strapless tops XDDDDD oh, yeah jajaja ok. Put on the bikini, we're going to the bea.... book.... BOOK! XDDD I'm gonna read, see you!!!!!!!


Pd: I don't understand all the anti stephenie crappy movements, all this crazy fans dissapointed (?!) with the book. I'm still reading and I have to say that, except for the Jacob part, I love the book. No, this guy is not funny, not cool, he's just a stupid, blackmailer person who has no guts to do the right thing but to fuck up people... ok, personal opinion XD here's slightly less mother fucker than in Eclipse XD But in the essence I love the books, you cannot expect them to be like your fanfic, this author is independent and had her books thought before you started writing crappy fanfics. That's all, just keep in mind it's a book and Edward is NOT real.
Ouch, that hurts... TT^TT *breaking heart* XDDDDDD (breaking down? JAAJJAJAJ Oh gosh, i'm pathetic -o-U I suck....)

Friday, 8 August 2008

Breaking Dawn!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have It at least!!
Don't expect me here in a while...


Pd: still on holidays...

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Vacaciones II

El retorno? XD
Hola a todos, he vuelto a internet XDDD después de un finde y varios días más aislada de mi ordenador, ya estoy aquí, dispuesta a retomar mi blog, algo desierto ¬¬

Breve reseña de mis vacaciones hasta el momento:
El sábado David y yo viajamos a Zgz en coche, llegamos hechos mierda. fin XD El domingo fuimos al Monasterio de Piedra, cerca de Calatayud (Zgz). Muy bonito. Fin XDDDDDDDDDDDD Que nooo, a ver, no voy a ser tan borde, el sitio es una pasada, precioso, os podéis ahorrar el monasterio y pasar directamente al parque natural; no importa que ese día haga mucho calor, la cantidad de cascadas que hay aseguran hasta frio! Es increible, totalmente recomendable, pero muy pesado. Si vais adrede hasta allí no merece la pena el viaje, sobre todo si venís de lejos. Procurad planificar cosas cerca, o pillaros un hotel por la zona (suerte nosotros que mi tía nos dejó el piso ^^U). David tiró como cien fotos o más, lo que supone que no estarán revisadas en breve, no sé cuando las podré subir para que las veáis. Paciencia XDDDD

Y el lunes, destrozaicos de la muerte, emprendimos viaje a Huesca (al fin) a eso de las 5 de la tarde. El lunes fue un día muerto XD.
Ayer pues, tocaba el plato fuerte de las vacaciones; la subida al pirinéo. Fuimos hasta Benasque en coche y... a andar. A saco. Sinceramente, si tuviera pasta pensaría que me quieren matar XDDDD los niños están en mejor forma física que yo (oh, chica de ciudad...) Un aviso, navegantes, padres e hijos: eso de decirle al niño "no llores, qué pensará esa chica de ti? que eres un niño llorica, que eres un bebé" es tan contraproducente o más que decirle a una chica de 22 años "venga, cómo que no puedes ni subir esta cuesta, si hasta los niños pueden?" ¬¬U en fin... muyyyyy pesado, largo, etc, calor... me quemé. Cangrejo a saco, además con el poco favorecedor dibujo de mi pamseta de tirantes -o-U David también, pero menos (para un día que no voy de manga corta, diox que inútil soy).

Y... como ya habréis visto (?) ha terminado la BD countdown (y retiro el cartelito). Al fin salió el libro. Y yo aquí.... desconectada. De vacaciones. Intentando superar el mono terrible que tengo. Y gracias a eso, a que he estado sin tiempo material para conectarme a internet desde el lunes (y sin internet el finde) he evitado caer en la tentación de los spoilers. Pero lo quiero YA!!!!!!!!! no puedoooor XD en serio, cuando ayer por la noche, quemada, embadurnada en aftersun, encendí el pc tras 4 días, y vi la gente en plan "OMG!! WTF???" no quise seguir leyendo T^T necesito el librooo!!!! confiar en La FNAC me está dañando la salud XDDDD hoy decido si bajo a Zgz o lo pido por la web. Parece que ambas opciones me saldrán por n ojo de la cara ¬¬ pero todo es poco para mis vampiritos XDD *.*

Bueno, hasta aquí lo que han dado de sí estos días estivales. Yo sigo con mis vacaciones, y si tengo más cosas que contar y tiempo, postearé.

Pd: si, no está en inglés. Escribiré como me venga en gana, pigs XD hasta que no vaya a Londres no sentiré mi español como 2ª lengua XD
Pd2: alguien se pasa por aquí? quí.... uí.... í.....

Friday, 1 August 2008

Vacaciones I

Y al fin llegó la víspera de las VERDADERAS vacaciones (uno no las llega a considerar vacaciones cuando a las 6:15 de la mañana tu despertador suena para que tu novio tenga q ir a trabajar -o-U juro que es inhumano....) y mañana al fin él tendrá fiesta (1 semana, Mr. Engineer MH XD) y nos podremos ir a donde queramos.
-precio de la vida ^^U
--precio de la gasolina ^^UU
---retenciones (uh-uh... 2 de agosto, sábado....) ^^UUU
Y porrrr tanto, nos vamos a Zaragoza XDDDDDD NO REIRSE!
El planning se monta tal que así:
Ayer nos despedimos del periquito (lo endilgamos a sus padres, pobre y benditas personas, que cargarán con él) y empezamos a planificar lo que mañana será un viaje que se presenta... largo? caluroso? CARO?! XD

NA: acabo de leerme el 411 de Naruto. Oh, bien, Sasuke debe ser el amante de Kishimoto XDDDD porque no tiene sentido (y cada vez me reafirmo más) la cantidad de coba que le está dando!! ostiasssssssss pero terminará alguna puta vez este arco?!?!? -.-U


Y ya en Zaragoza okuparemos (la K va adrede ^^U) el piso de mi tia, y nos quedaremos el finde para ver (TACHÁN) el Monasterio De Piedra -Calatayud.
El planning sigue con que el lunes ya, cansados de ver la Expo XDDDDDDDDD iremos a Huesca -AL FIN!- y allí hasta que David termine sus vacaciones, supongo que haciendo todo tipo de excursiones pirenáicas, viendo a mis abuelos y tal ^^ felicidad XD
David tendrá que volverse antes, eso me jode mucho, porque se irá solito T^T y yo me quedo en Huesca hasta el 15... (memories, snif)

Yo estaré allí hasta esa fecha porque quiero por una vez, estar en las fiestas de San Lorenzo (harta ya de que me lo cuenten XD) con mi hermana.
Con la cual, por cierto, cenamos David y yo el miércoles en un taiwanés ^^ muyyy rico (raro en mi hablar de comida favorablemente?! ^^U) y a la que espero ver hoy otra vez antes de reunirnos en unos días en Huesca.

Y ya sólo puedo añadir que la emoción y nerviosismo y mala leche? XD) me embargan al verme taaaan cerca la salida del 4º y último libro de la Twilight Saga, Breaking Dawn. 15 horas en EEUU para las spoiler-sites XD y aprox. 4 días aquí (haciendo caso del FNAC, que si no lo trae MUEREN ¬¬)

Besos y contaré más cuando llegue a un sitio con internet XDDDD O sea que hasta el lunes mínimo me despido!!
(Así evito también los spoilers... T-T oh diox que triste es esto...)

Last BD quote of the day

Bella: "Should I be afraid?"
Edward: "Terrified."

that's my Stephenie's humour! XD (quoting her "I have a very wicked sense of humour" I DO agree, just look at the other books.)

Just hours left!!
USA: 15h
Spain: XDDDDDDDDDDDD 4 days more of less

tomorrow sites will be FULL (awfully full) os spoilers. Which means that I'll have to quit visiting all of my favs so I can avoid pieces of the story.
Pd: did you know that being honest SUCKS? XDDDDDDDD I WANT IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T^T

Vampire Knight ED "Still Doll" by Wakeshima Kanon

Still Doll Lyrics

Original / Romaji LyricsEnglish Translation
Hi miss Alice
Anata garasu no me de
Donna yume wo
Mirareru no?
Miirareru no?
Hi miss Alice
What kind of dreams
Do you see
With your eyes of glass?
Do they fascinate you?
Mata atashi
Kokoro ga sakete
Nagare deru
Sukima ni sasaru
Kioku tachi
My heart is torn
And bleeding
I mend it but
My memories
Pierce the openings
Hi miss Alice
Anata kajitsu no kuchi de
Dare ni ai wo
Nageteru no?
Nageiteru no?
Hi miss Alice
To whom
Are you throwing love to
With your fruit-like lips?
Does it make you sad?
Mou atashi
Kotoba wo tsumugu
Shita no netsu
Mederu outa mo
The heat of my tongue
That let me speak
Has already cooled
And I can't sing
Songs of love
Still you do not answer 
Still you do not answer